Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 42, Issue 2 (January 28, 1999)
Copyright © 1999 American Chemical Society

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Pharmacological Treatment of Obesity: Therapeutic Strategies Cheryl P. Kordik and Allen B. Reitz [Full Article - PDF]



5-Chloro-N-(4-methoxy-3-piperazin-1-yl- phenyl)-3-methyl-2-benzothiophenesulfon- amide (SB-271046): A Potent, Selective, and Orally Bioavailable 5-HT6 Receptor Antagonist Steven M. Bromidge, Anthony M. Brown, Stephen E. Clarke, Kathy Dodgson, Tracey Gager, Helen L. Grassam, Phil M. Jeffrey, Graham F. Joiner, Frank D. King, Derek N. Middlemiss, Stephen F. Moss, Helen Newman, Graham Riley, Carol Routledge, and Paul Wyman [Full Article - PDF]


Bis- and Mixed-Tetrahydroisoquinolinium Chlorofumarates: New Ultra-Short-Acting Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blockers Eric E. Boros, Eric C. Bigham, G. Evan Boswell, Robert A. Mook, Jr., Sanjay S. Patel, John J. Savarese, John A. Ray, James B. Thompson, Mir A. Hashim, James C. Wisowaty, Paul L. Feldman, and Vicente Samano [Full Article - PDF]


Discovery of a Potent, Orally Active, Nonsteroidal Androgen Receptor Agonist: 4-Ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6- (trifluoromethyl)-8-pyridono[5,6-g]- quinoline (LG121071) Lawrence G. Hamann, Neelakandha S. Mani, Robert L. Davis, Xiao-Ning Wang, Keith B. Marschke, and Todd K. Jones [Full Article - PDF]



Antagonists of the Platelet P2T Receptor: A Novel Approach to Antithrombotic Therapy Anthony H. Ingall, John Dixon, Andrew Bailey, Mandy E. Coombs, David Cox, Judith I. McInally, Simon F. Hunt, Nicholas D. Kindon, Barry J. Teobald, Paul A. Willis, Robert G. Humphries, Paul Leff, Jane A. Clegg, James A. Smith, and Wendy Tomlinson [Full Article - PDF]



Mechanism-Based Competitive Inhibitors of Glyoxalase I: Intracellular Delivery, in Vitro Antitumor Activities, and Stabilities in Human Serum and Mouse Serum Malcolm J. Kavarana, Elena G. Kovaleva, Donald J. Creighton, Megan B. Wollman, and Julie L. Eiseman [Full Article - PDF]


New Bicyclam-AZT Conjugates: Design, Synthesis, Anti-HIV Evaluation, and Their Interaction with CXCR-4 Coreceptor Jean Dessolin, Pascale Galea, Patrick Vlieghe, Jean-Claude Chermann, and Jean-Louis Kraus [Full Article - PDF]


Domain-Structured N-Derivatized Hydrazines as Inhibitors of Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase: Redox-Cycling Considerations Shalom Sarel, C. Fizames, Francois Lavelle, and Shelly Avramovici-Grisaru [Full Article - PDF]


Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Study on Cyclic Urea Derivatives as HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors: Application of Comparative Molecular Field Analysis Asim Kumar Debnath [Full Article - PDF]


Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone by the Antitumor Antibiotics Radicicol and Geldanamycin S. Mark Roe, Chrisostomos Prodromou, Ronan O'Brien, John E. Ladbury, Peter W. Piper, and Laurence H. Pearl [Full Article - PDF]


Novel Esters and Amides of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Carboxylic Acids as Antioxidants and Antiproliferative Agents Mark R. Hellberg, Abdelmoula Namil, Pete Delgado, Karen C. David, Timothy L. Kessler, Gustav Graff, Karen S. Haggard, and Jon C. Nixon [Full Article - PDF]


Structure-Immunosuppressive Activity Relationships of New Analogues of 15-Deoxyspergualin. 1. Structural Modifications of the Hydroxyglycine Moiety Luc Lebreton, Jocelyne Annat, Philippe Derrepas, Patrick Dutartre, and Patrice Renaut [Full Article - PDF]


Ab Initio Conformational Study of the Phenylisoserine Side Chain of Paclitaxel Marco Milanesio, Piero Ugliengo, and Davide Viterbo , Giovanni Appendino [Full Article - PDF]


Orally Active, Hydrolytically Stable, Semisynthetic, Antimalarial Trioxanes in the Artemisinin Family Gary H. Posner, Michael H. Parker, John Northrop, Jeffrey S. Elias, Poonsakdi Ploypradith, Suji Xie, and Theresa A. Shapiro [Full Article - PDF]


Vasopeptidase Inhibitors: Incorporation of Geminal and Spirocyclic Substituted Azepinones in Mercaptoacyl Dipeptides Jeffrey A. Robl, Richard Sulsky, Ellen Sieber-McMaster, Denis E. Ryono, Maria P. Cimarusti, Ligaya M. Simpkins, Donald S. Karanewsky, Sam Chao, Magdi M. Asaad, Andrea A. Seymour, Maxine Fox, Patricia L. Smith, and Nick C. Trippodo [Full Article - PDF]


N-[2,2-Dimethyl-3-(N-(4-cyanobenzoyl)amino)nonanoyl]-L-phenylalanine Ethyl Ester as a Stable Ester-Type Inhibitor of Chymotrypsin-like Serine Proteases: Structural Requirements for Potent Inhibition of -Chymotrypsin Kiyoko Iijima, Jun Katada, Emiko Yasuda, Isao Uno, and Yoshio Hayashi [Full Article - PDF]



Synthesis and Evaluation of 2-Amino-9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)- 6-fluoropurine Mono- and Diesters as Potential Prodrugs of Ganciclovir Dae-Kee Kim, Kieyoung Chang, Guang-Jin Im, Hun-Taek Kim, Namkyu Lee, and Key H. Kim [Full Article - PDF]


2,6-Difluorophenol as a Bioisostere of a Carboxylic Acid: Bioisosteric Analogues of -Aminobutyric Acid Jian Qiu, Scott H. Stevenson, Michael J. O'Beirne, and Richard B. Silverman [Full Article - PDF]